The Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro is organising the workshop "Museums that draw attention" on 25th October in Creative Hub in the Old Town of Kotor, as part of the capitalization actions of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro project "MONET – culture in MOtion in Adriatic NETwork of Museums" - MONET PLUS.
The workshop is dedicated to comparative practices of museum management and work in the programme area and wider region, with special emphasis on contemporary and innovative models in the implementation of cultural programmes in museums.
The respective representatives of the museums Pino Pascali from Polignano a Mare, Maritime Museum from Kotor, Museum of Contemporary Art of Montenegro, and Museum of the City of Belgrade from Serbia will share their knowledge and experiences in order to contribute to the discussion dedicated to modern museums that are attractive to audience and visitors.
The workshop is being organized in Creative Hub Kotor, which was restored as a cultural heritage site under the project "3C" where the Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro is the Lead partner.
Check out agenda here