The Pino Pascali Foundation, in collaboration with the regional Museum Sigismondo Castromediano, successfully organized a thought-provoking workshop on "Ecological Transition in Contemporary Art" on May 25th, 2023. The event took place at the historic Bernardini Library in Lecce and aimed to delve into the relationship between art, ecology, and sustainability, highlighting the transformative power of artistic expression in addressing pressing environmental challenges.
The workshop was part of the capitalization actions of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro project, "MONET – culture in MOtion in Adriatic NETwork of Museums," and drew participation from specialists in culture, agronomy, and ecology.
The workshop commenced with an opening address by Luigi De Luca, Director of the Sigismondo Castromediano Museum, who emphasized the role of art and culture in responding to natural disasters and their interconnectedness. Giuseppe Teofilo, Artistic Director of the Pino Pascali Foundation, followed with a captivating presentation, illustrating the artist's role in translating contemporary experiences into a prophetic vision of the future. Teofilo's example of artists experimenting with overturning the production system by regrowing plants from bought salads demonstrated the terminology of "ecological transition" and the values of innovation, sustainability, and environmental awareness inherent in contemporary art.
Throughout the day, esteemed speakers shared their expertise and insights, shedding light on various facets of the ecological transition in contemporary art. Andrijana Popović, Lecturer at UDG University of Podgorica, presented the concept of mental ecology and the significance of individual creativity and environmental protection. Evelyn De Simone, Post-doctoral researcher and Director of the Sylva Foundation, showcased the foundation's efforts in environmental regeneration and the powerful combination of culture, art, and innovation.
The workshop also featured presentations by Vito Carrieri, Mayor of the Municipality of Polignano a Mare, but above all an agronomist and as a technician who emphasized the importance of effective communication in preserving cultural heritage and protecting the territory, and Antonio Pascale, Inspector of the Ministry of Agriculture, who traced the historical evolution of agriculture and underscored the need for sustainable practices in the face of population growth.
Annalisa Metta, an author and Associate Professor at Roma Tre University, explored landscape architecture as a performative practice, while Michela Rota, an architect with a PhD in Cultural Heritage, emphasized the significance of integrating sustainability into museum practices. Renowned Digital Artist Massimiliano Siccardi highlighted the potential of immersive technologies to foster a sustainable approach to art experiences.
Maia Anthea Marinelli, an artist deeply committed to ecological impact, delivered a captivating presentation on the dialogue between art, science, and nature, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness of climate issues through artistic expression. Her personal experiences in the Arctic served as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance and vulnerability of natural ecosystems.
In the concluding remarks, Stefano Zorzi, President of the Pino Pascali Foundation, expressed his gratitude to the speakers and participants for their valuable contributions, highlighting the workshop's inspiring nature and the cohesive narrative that unfolded throughout the event. Zorzi emphasized the workshop's role in building a deeper understanding of the ecological transition in contemporary art and the collective power of storytelling and collaboration.
The "Ecological Transition in Contemporary Art" workshop demonstrated the potential for art to inspire change, provoke critical thinking, and raise awareness of pressing environmental issues. By bringing together experts from various fields, the event fostered dialogue, shared experiences, and showcased innovative approaches to address the challenges of our time.
For more information about the workshop or the Pino Pascali Foundation, please contact Susanna Torres susannatorres@fondazionepascali.it.