The Pino Pascali Foundation is pleased to announce the upcoming B2B event titled "The contemporary museum system between social innovation and new models of cultural management". The event will take place on 08/06/2023 at the Pino Pascali Foundation in Polignano a Mare, Italy.
The event financed by the Interreg Italia Albania Montenegro Programme as part of the capitalization activities of MONET project and included in the appointments of the inaugural edition of PAW - Polignano Art Week, aims to bring together art galleries specialized in contemporary art, from Italy, Albania and Montenegro , providing a platform for in-depth discussion on private investment in the contemporary museum system and its role in achieving financial autonomy through cross-border strategies.
The B2B event promises to be a unique gathering of industry experts, cultural visionaries, and creative minds dedicated to shaping the future of the museum landscape. Attendees will delve into the vital topic of private investment, examining its impact on contemporary museums and the potential for financial sustainability.
Kicking off the event at 10.00 will be a warm welcome speech by Stefano Zorzi, President of Pino Pascali Foundation, Giuseppe Teofilo, Artistic Director of the Pino Pascali Foundation and Priscilla Raguso, Councillor for Culture of the City of Polignano.
The B2B event will feature captivating case studies, allowing participants to explore firsthand the successful fusion of contemporary art, innovation, and cultural heritage. Esteemed speakers, such as Prof. Piernicola Maria Di Iorio - Type A Researcher of History of Contemporary Art, lecturer in Image Education and Museology, Rossana Muolo, entrepreneur and President of the Association "Amici di Pascali, Darko Kovacevic, Artan Shabani, Founder of Promenade Gallery - Vlora – Albania will share their experiences and expertise, shedding light on transformative projects and initiatives within the museum sector.
The event will also feature thematic sessions, allowing carefully selected art galleries specializing in contemporary art to showcase their history, missions, unique services, and exhibitions. These interactive sessions will facilitate networking and create opportunities for collaboration among professionals in the same industry. Key speakers are: Peppino Campanella Light Objects; Vento Blu Art Gallery - Almerico Brancaccio and Anna Cavallo; Cultour Benefit Society - Raffaele Chiapperini; MICROBA Space - Riccardo Pavone and Marialuisa Sorrentino; Contempo - Valentina Iacovelli; Giacomo Nicolella Maschietti; Duilio Giammaria; Lorenzo Madaro; Like A Little Disaster – Paolo Modugno and Giuseppe Pinto; Kora Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea – Paolo Mele and FPS Arte, Cultura -Serena Sisto and Michele Spinelli.
The Pino Pascali Foundation believes that fostering private investment in the contemporary museum system is key to achieving financial autonomy. To that end, a roundtable discussion will bring together esteemed representatives from various institutions and organizations, including Vito Carrieri – Mayor of Polignano a Mare; Luigi De Luca – Director of the Castromediano Museum in Lecce and coordinator of the biblio-museum poles of the Puglia Region; Mauro Paolo Bruno - Head of Development, Innovation and Networks Section Apulia Region; Anna Maria Rizzi - P.O. Coordinator Relationships of Participated Entities Puglia Region; Micaela Paparella – Councillor of Municipality of Bari Delegated to the Policies for the Enhancement of the Historical-Artistic and Architectural Heritage and Cultural Containers; Aldo Patruno - Director of the Department of Tourism, Cultural Economy and Territorial Enhancement Apulia Region. The roundtable aims to share knowledge and insights regarding private investment in contemporary museums, explore strategies for financial sustainability, and encourage public-private partnerships.
In addition to the informative sessions and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a poetry concert by Marco Alemanno, titled "Sediments of Verses." This unique cultural experience will add a touch of artistic expression to the event, providing attendees with a memorable and enriching experience.
The Pino Pascali Foundation's B2B event promises to be an unparalleled opportunity for networking, knowledge exchange, and exploration of innovative approaches to financial sustainability in the contemporary museum system. Galleries, industry professionals, and cultural stakeholders are invited to participate and contribute to this significant event.
For more information about the event and registration details, please contact Susanna Torres at susannatorres@fondazionepascali.it.
For agenda click here