online/onsite meeting at the National Museum of Secret Surveillance

25 March 2021
Bringing the public close to the Museum!

Bringing the Public closer to the Museum! A meeting was held today at the National Museum of Secret Surveillance Muzeu Kombetar "Shtepia me Gjethe" as part of the "MONET- Culture in Motion in Adriatic Networks of Museums" project, funded under the program Interreg IPA CBC Italy - Albania-Montenegro supported by the Albanian Ministry of Culture (Ministria e Kulturës)
Experts discussed how new technologies and innovations can be used in art marketing to bring the public closer to the museum.
The online events was enriched by the expertise of:
● The image of a Museum - Mrs. Ilda Mara, Director of the "Art & Heritage" magazine
● Virtual Guide of the Museum - Ms. Etleva Demollari, Director of the National Museum of Secret Surveillance
● The role of the artist in communism and how art is marketed today, Artan Shabani artist, curator, director of Promenade Gallery